CardaLordz Gameplay Adumbration Part 2
Gameplay Adumbration Part 2
This will be the second instalment of the gameplay adumbration for the CardaLordz metaverse. The gameplay has been modified as we continue to improve the final product by considering community feedback.
Overall Story of the Metaverse:
Humanity is at war and the Lordz have determined that if they do not intervene that it will result in the end of humanity and the world itself. The Lordz put aside their differences in their journey to bring peace to humanity. They will seek universal messages in their scriptures and work together to restore peace.
There will be three in game archetypes that the Lordz will be able to play as: The Creator, The Preserver, and The Destroyer. Players will be able to choose which role they want to play as upon entering the metaverse. It is not assigned specifically to a token meaning any of the Lordz can switch between roles.
The Creator:
The Creator will focus their path on generating verse tokens. Verse tokens will be hidden around the metaverse, and users will have to hunt for them. This will also require performing in game tasks, such as traveling to various religious structures and participating in activities.
A verse token hidden within the pyramids of ancient Egypt. Your CardaLordz will have to complete an obstacle course to reach the end where you will receive a verse token.
Players could be asked to visit a temple and meditate for a certain period of time.
Players could be called upon to public acts of kindness to help humanity end their struggle.
The Preserver:
The Preserver’s role requires verse tokens. Each of the Lordz has 99 possible verse tokens that they generate. 10 of those 99 verse tokens can match with Lordz of other religions. Each of the 10 tokens has at least one matching universal message on the other Lordz. If you and another player in the Metaverse can find two matching verse tokens, they will convert to light tokens.
Which Verse Tokens Match and Which Ones Don’t?
This is for you as the CardaLordz community to figure out. Think of it as a scavenger hunt. For future verse matches, one of the quests a player can perform is to submit to us matching verses for two different religions. We will also just have a general submission area where players will be rewarded if we choose to incorporate their match into the game.
The Destroyer:
The Destroyer’s Role in the Metaverse will be to combine verse and light tokens to generate new NFTs. Since not all verse tokens will have matches in the metaverse, they will still have value as part of recipe to mint new CardaLordz.
It is important to note that the destroyer archetype is not evil by nature. Destruction of old ways is essential to creating a new and better world.
The Destroyer’s gameplay will directly be linked to the central story plot of intervening in human events to bring an end to their destructive ways.
Your Cardalordz witness a fight occurring. They are able to use the message of one of their scripture tokens to resolve the situation.
Your CardaLordz will be able to use your scripture and light tokens to be able to citizens in the metaverse overcome their own personal struggles.
New Features we will be adding
Spirit Animals:
Lordz will be able to mint pets to accompany them in the Metaverse. Spirit animals, much like Lordz, will be able to go through an enlightenment process to produce rarer variations.
Having the constellations as in game playable pets.
Having the Zodiac Animals as pets
Having mythological creatures, such as those from Greek mythology, as possible pets
Having animals that are scared or were domesticated within the Lordz native regions.
Land Plots:
One land plot will be available to purchase every 3 Lordz in the metaverse. Lordz will be able to build their own world within this land plot.
Examples of In Game Functionality
It will be able to perform a variety of functions, such as hosting speakers that other Lordz can attend. Landowners will be able to collect a fee for the events allowing them to monetize their in-game land.
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